Saturday, January 05, 2002

The Taliban have been defeated, that's why American forces are being ambushed. I know, those of us who said that Afghanistan would never be occupied have to scourge ourselves, but if they have all surrendered - why are they still fighting?

Justin Raimondo has done a fairly good hatchet job on the BJP, India's main governing party, but it seems that fascist sympathies are not limited to the less secular end of India's political market. The Indian National Army, who fought with the Japanese against the British in the Second World War, was founded by a certain Subhas Chandra Bose, a former President of the Congress Party. Although he died, many of his henchmen were captured by the British, and were promptly defended by the soon to be first Prime Minister of India, Nehru. Yet somehow we are supposed to believe that they are in this mythical Anglosphere.

According to Arabic translators, the Bin Laden tape is misrepresented. It's interesting that they now think its genuine.

A good piece by Buchanan on the demographic death of Europe.

An old, but very good, piece from Murray Rothbard on enforcing liberty.


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