Sunday, January 26, 2003
1,192 Possible Terrorists to be caught - 26th January 2003, 21.59

This is the number of British citizens that intelligent sources have identified as trainee terrorists in camps run by Al Qaeda. All of these individuals need to be arrested under the Terrorism Act and have their status reviewed to ensure that they do not pose a threat to national security.

This also pins down the lie that only the poor and the desperate will take up an extreme religious ideology. Blair has tried to take a popular stand on asylum by promising a fundamental look at Britain's commitment to the European Convention on Human Rights if his asylum policy fails. Whilst he starts looking at that tomorrow, IDS denounced the asylum system as an entrypoint for terrorists and was attacked by Simon Hughes of the Lib Dems, who stated that only Europe could provide an answer on the issue. Now we know who not to vote for.


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