Saturday, November 02, 2002
Zimwatch: Government capabilities are failing 2nd November 2002, 19.32

The notch tightens further as the Zimbabwean government is no longer able to import oil for consumer use, presumably because of a lack of capital.

Comrade Mugabe spoke out,

The fuel comes in the name of the Government. When the fuel comes we are worried about its duration, whether we have enough stocks. And what do we do? We call in multinational companies. They sell and make profits. Government does not make any profit. Twenty-two years in Government, 22 years of playing this game of foolery. They don't suffer from the headaches and stomach aches I suffer from.

They can bring in fuel but Government cracks to make them rich. For how long shall I superintend this institution of tomfoolery?

No doubt the aches are caused by the stress of guiding his country wisely towards the uphills of socialism.


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