Thursday, November 21, 2002
Is it beginning to strike a nerve? - 21st November 2002, 22.15

Peter Hain was striking a sceptical note on the new European Constitution when he spoke to the Commons European scrutiny committee yesterday. After the initial spin stating that Britain was influencing the outcome, Hain proved more resistant to the ideas of a Congress of Peoples Parties, a Charter of fundamental rights, a common foreign and security policy and federalism.

This response is caused by Blair's mishandling of the European agenda as he finds himself sidelined by France and Germany attempting to share common ground on the Convention and Europe. There was even a hint in Blair's meeting with Alain Juppe that he linked the outcome of the Convention to Britain's attitude towards the Euro.

As mentioned in a previous post, Britain is now Turkey's main sponsor in the EU and this is considered a lever to widen US influence in Europe.

For the first time, Blair is finding himself at odds with his illiberal neighbours and the circles of Europe and the US are proving less compatible in current British foreign policy.


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