Monday, November 11, 2002
Anti-Americanism: How powerful is it? 11th November 2002, 23.30

It appears that within Germany, anti-Americanism has now found its voice and has been further stimulated by a recent article in Der Spiegel. There are some who argue that this latest bout of Anti-Americanism can be traced to the fall of the twin towers and the consequent perceived rise in US unilateralism.

Yet this article at KRTWire takes a balanced approach and shows that, below the froth of rock-throwing and puffing up of differences, both American and European citizens share similar attitudes to security. The only difference is that Berlin or Paris has not suffered an attack of the magnitude of 9/11 and do not consider missiles or weapons of mass destruction to be a primary threat just yet.

That will change as their vulnerability to states in the South and East grow.


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