Friday, August 09, 2002

Squeaky Clean Europeans

This from Private Eye:

Publicity over the computer failings and other inadequacies in the European Commission's ability to police the EU budget have produced the usual response from the Welsh Windbag, aka commission vice-president Neil K.innock that everything is under control. No doubt he would say the same about the Eu's anti-fraud unit OLAF, where for more than a year the commission has patiently waited for its appointed director of investigations and operations to arrive.

The appointment of Italian investigating magistrate Alberto Perducca in April 2001 has been blocked ever since by prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, who has very good reason to hate magistrates. They are constantly investigating Tony's great pal for fraud.

Berlusconi insists that Turin prosecutor Perducca needs his permission to leave or must resign as a magistrate and claims the appointment was not transparent - a charge denied by OLAF. Perducca is one of three magistrates selected by OLAF and backed by the previous Italian government.

This is a curious claim to make about the commission whidh is run by an Italian, Romano Prodi, and dominated by national nepotistic fiefdoms in many departments, with the Italians prime beneficiaries. The two other magistrates who were awarded temporary positions were threatened with the loss of pension rights and the right of return to their former positions after OLAF. Berlusconi's attitude is seen as harsh in an Italian civil service where two jobs - one real, one of the jacket on the chair variety - are not unknown.

But instead of forcing Perdueca to choose or selecting an alternative candidate who could take up the post immediately and get on with the job, OLAF' kept pressing Ucrlusconi to let his people go. Curiously Perducca was passed over in 1999 for the job of OLAF's top cop. That post instead wcnt to German Franz-Herman Bruner, who personally chose Perducca.

One Italian magistrate has defied the govemment and has arrived in Brussels, He is now facing disciplinary proceedings in Italy. The
other decided to return to Italy. Now it is said that Perducca will finally arrive later this month to take up his post and no dcubt also face disciplinary action.

In the meantime the role of top investigator has been carried out by an acting Eurocrat - a common phenomenon inside OLAF / UCL.AF/ WE-ALLLAF. The current organisational chart shows no less than 10 senior posts held by acting officials rather than permanent appointments.

The approach taken towards the Perducca affair, even if it is now resolved, is far from satisfactcuy and shows once again just how
seriously Kinnock and his colleagues take fraud.

It must be said that just because Prodi's Italian doesn't mean that he hasn't got it in for Berlusconi, quite the opposite.


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